Why More Families are Advance Planning 

More and more families are choosing to plan their funerals and services ahead of time. There are several reasons why advance funeral planning may be right for you or your loved ones. Advance funeral planning:

  • Eliminates any and all second-guessing about what a loved one really would have wanted.
  • Gives individuals more control over their services and, in many cases, the cost of services.
  • Can be done when other long-term plans are being made, including wills and medical directives.
  • Often eliminates surprises or things a loved one may not have wanted.
  • Can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones by eliminating what some may see as the “burden” of making arrangements at the last minute.
  • Means greater flexibility in services and special requests.
  • Allows for your truly personalized service.
  • Provides greater flexibility. You can change your mind, your plans and your choices at any time.

The team at the Codey & Mackey Funeral Home has decades of experience helping families do  their advance planning. We are available to meet with you to discuss these options and make sure your services are exactly what you want.